Greene County Rams
Greene County Rams

Election Day is Tuesday and with so much information out there on all of the candidates running for their respective offices, even high school students are given the opportunity to do “mock voting.”

Greene County High School Social Studies Teacher Crystal Crichton says over 70 students participated in the Iowa Youth Straw Poll. Crichton points out the results show that the students voted in favor of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Fred Hubbell with 43.9-percent, to Republican candidate Kim Reynolds with 39-percent. As for the US House 4th Congressional District seat, the students also voted for the Democrat candidate with JD Scholten receiving 51.2-percent, compared to Republican incumbent Steve King, who had 39-percent. According to the Secretary of State’s website, the statewide results showed the majority of students that participated voted for Reynolds and King in their respective races.

More than just gauging election results, Crichton emphasizes to her students the importance of voting and the role they have in democracy. She has a unit she teaches about the country’s history and expansion of voting. They also watched videos of different candidates in the midterm elections and discussed the recent Voter ID law changes and why they were made. Crichton adds that if she can create excitement and interest in young people to vote, then that can lead to them to being life-long voters.

To see the full results from the ballot questions asked, click the link below. You can also find Greene County specific results below as well.

Greene County High School Results:

Governor: Fred Hubbell 43.9%, Kim Reynolds 39%, Jake Porter 12.2% and Gary Siegwarth 4.9%

US House of Reps: JD Scholten 51.2%, Steve King 39%, Charles Aldrich 9.8%

Do you plan to register when you are old enough or have you already registered? Yes 85%   No 15%

Iowa House of Reps: David Weaver 53.7%, Phil Thompson 46.3%