A tale as old as time will be on the Panorama High School stage as the drama department invites you to “Be Our Guest” for their fall musical.
The Panorama Drama Department is performing “Beauty and the Beast JR,” based off the 1991 Disney film and Broadway musical. Adapted from a French fairytale, the musical tells a story about a cold-hearted prince who’s turned into a beast and his servants into household objects. The only way the beast can break the curse is to love another and earn that love in return.
Senior Kordell Gafkjen shares what he enjoys most about playing the titular Beast, “My favorite part is getting to be angry like 90% of the time. Well, you know I’m not supposed to do that like as a person.”
Senior Taylor Raibikis is playing the head of the castle staff, and talking clock, Cogsworth, “I love all the chemistry between all the people that are acting onstage and all character chemistry, and then I also really like the choreography just because it’s super fun.”
Performances for Beauty and the Beast take place Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the high school auditorium. Cost is $3 for students and $5 for adults.