McCreary Rec Center

The final Perry Parks and Recreation Department adult sports league of the calendar year will be starting soon, but there’s still time to get involved.

The popular Co-Rec Volleyball league will begin in November, and men and women in the Perry area are invited to join together for some fun and exercise. The league features 6-on-6 games, with three men and three women on each team. Games will be held at the McCreary Community Building on Sundays at 6 p.m., starting on November 11th. The season will be a round-robin format with every team playing every other team in the league, and it will wrap up with a double-elimination tournament.

Participants must be 18 and older, though current high school students are not allowed. The cost is $90 per team, and the deadline to sign up is Monday, November 5th by 8 p.m. For more information or to sign up, stop in or call the McCreary Center at 515-465-5621.