As we draw closer to the November general election, there are a number of inactive voters across Iowa.
According to the Greene County Auditor’s office, a registered voter becomes inactive when they don’t vote in two previous general elections. A letter from the Secretary of State’s office is sent to the voter’s address notifying them of their inactive status. The county auditor’s office also sends a letter with a card that the individual can fill out to become active again.
However, if the individual didn’t vote in the previous two general elections, has had a change in address, and didn’t update their voter registration, then they are inactive. Greene County Auditor Jane Heun says if someone believes they are inactive and requests an absentee ballot, they just have to provide their current address to become active. The last day the auditor’s office can mail out absentee ballots is October 26th. If someone is voting in person, either at the auditor’s office or at the polls on election day, Heun notes that the individual must provide a valid photo identification and a document with their correct address listed.
There are currently 333 inactive voters in Greene County. Anyone with questions can contact the Greene County Auditor’s office at 386-5680.