Nominations are now open for the annual Perry Police Department “Shop with a Cop” event.
Police Chief Eric Vaughn says people can nominate children who they feel could use a good holiday experience this year. Those chosen will get to spend a day shopping with a police officer, which Vaughn says is always a great way to build relationships between the kids and law enforcement officials. Nomination forms can be found at Perry Elementary School and at the Public Safety Building, and Vaughn reminds people they can nominate their own children if there is a need.
He adds, once the forms are in, his department will choose as many as they can based on funds available. “This is all donation-driven. So we get donations from individuals and businesses in our community. So depending on the number of nominations that we get and the amount of money that we raise, usually we do anywhere between 20 and 30 kids each year, which is really great! And we supply them with about $150 apiece, so we go out and have them buy not only gifts for themselves, but gifts for their family. Gifts for the family always come first, and then we allow them to spend a little extra money on themselves.”
Nomination forms are due back to the Police Department by November 30th, and the actual “Shop with a Cop” event will take place some time in mid-December. To learn more about the program, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.