Patrick ThompsonThe trial for a Nevada man accused of setting fire to a Guthrie Center home and killing two young girls inside continued at the Monroe County Courthouse in Albia Wednesday. Opening statements and trial proceedings began in the trial for 27-year-old Patrick Ryan Thompson.

Sources say The prosecution argued that Thompson intentionally set fire to Shirley Exline’s home at 1005 Main Street in order to silence Paige Exline about the ongoing sex abuse investigation against her father, James. They also claimed that witness testimony and video surveillance at the time of the incident contradict Thompson’s interview.

Thompson’s attorneys claim that he wasn’t there when the incident occurred and that law enforcement may have jumped to conclusions when apprehending Thompson. In their questioning about the fire, the defense asked Shirley Exline about another fire to a home of hers in Polk County.

Other pieces of evidence brought forward included Thompson’s motorcycle clothing, saddlebags, and his phone records. Thompson is facing two class A felonies for first degree murder, two class B felonies for attempted murder, and one class C felony for first degree arson for the May 2017 incident. The fire resulted in the deaths of 12-year-old Paige Exline and 16-year-old Shakiah Cockerham. He faces up to life in prison without parole if convicted of first degree murder, and up to 25 years if convicted on any of the other charges.

Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you daily updates from the trial.