Art Harvest Tour 2018 Logo

This weekend, the fifth annual Art Harvest Tour will return to central Iowa, and three of the stops are in Perry.

The event is a free studio tour that goes in a 90-mile loop through Perry, Ogden, Boone, Ames, Woodward, and places in between. Attendees will have a chance to take in the fall weather and scenery, while also getting a behind-the-scenes look at the studio of several local artists. With 12 stops on the tour this year and multiple artists at each location, there will be no shortage of artists for people to interact with. Organizers feel having multiple artists at one stop allows artists to take part who don’t have sufficient studio space to host, while also keeping the number of stops manageable so the whole loop can be done in a matter of hours.

The Art Harvest Tour will run from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. The stops in Perry include three artists at Mary Rose Collection, two at Betsy Peterson Designs, and one at the Perry Perk Coffee Shop. Organizers remind people that with construction ongoing on Highway 169 between Highway 141 and Ogden, they will have to take some different routes to get everywhere. For a map and list of the individual stops, click the images below.

Art Harvest Tour 2018 Map Art Harvest Tour 2018 Stops