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Several members of the Perry community headed to Carris Family Funeral Home Friday morning for the monthly Perry Chamber of Commerce Chamber Coffee event.

Owners Marcus and Mary Carris welcomed attendees into their new cremation facility for some socializing, networking, and early morning refreshments. Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti then gathered everyone together and invited Marcus to share some information on the new facility. He talked about how prior to building their own facility, he had to transport bodies to Des Moines for cremation. While that did work well, Marcus said he felt better telling the families of the deceased that their loved one will be in his hands from start to finish. As an added benefit, he says they’re able to help other local funeral homes by offering cremation services and saving them a much longer trip.

Marcus also explained how the system works, which is largely automated, and answered questions from those gathered. Following that, the attendees once again gathered in a circle and introduced themselves, some also talking about upcoming events or projects they may have at their respective business. The Perry Chamber hosts the Chamber Coffee events the second Friday of every month, each time at a different location. Pasutti says they’re a great opportunity for local professionals and members of the community to come together and network in a casual setting.

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