New guidelines for households that qualify for free and reduced school meals have been released for the 2018-19 school year.
There are four ways in which households qualify for free and reduced school meals served under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and the Afterschool Care Snack Program. A household that makes at or below the income guidelines are eligible and they must have completed an application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals/Milk. Those households that are already receiving Food Assistance or have children receiving benefits under the Family Investment Program (FIP), along with a few specific Medicaid program, are also eligible. Most children in the Food Assistance and FIP automatically qualify and the household would have already received a letter from their child’s school notifying them of their eligibility. No application is needed. However, households must contact the school if they wish to not participate in the free and reduced meal program.
The other two ways are by receiving a letter from the Iowa Department of Human Services for qualified children through some of the Food Assistance and FIP households. Parents must then take the letter to the school for the child to receive free meals. The final way to qualify is if a household didn’t receive a letter from DHS but are receiving Food Assistance or FIP, they must complete an application with Assistance Program’s case number to become eligible.
The new income guidelines can be found below. Anyone with questions can contact Greene County Schools Business Office at 386-4599.