File photo from 2017
File photo from 2017

The weather forecast is calling for mostly sunny skies and warm temperatures for the annual Hot August Night event in Jefferson this Thursday.

Co-Organizer Chuck Wenthold says the event will take place around the downtown square from 4:30 to 7pm. It is open to any year, make or model of any car, truck, motorcycle or tractor. Wenthold adds that they draw from areas such as Fort Dodge and Des Moines.

“Well I think the big thing is that it is a free show to the people because of our sponsors that we have each year that allow us to put on this event at no cost to participants. And it gives them a little more leeway to come a little further.”

There will also be awards for People’s Choice for their favorite car, truck, motorcycle and tractor, plus there is a $200 cash prize for the largest participation from a car club and Wenthold points out there is a Spirit Award.

“We have a local person who is in memory of one of their relatives and they give it out. It’s kind of an award that it might not be a car that normally would maybe get an award at a car show. It’s somebody who they feel that their relative would’ve liked that vehicle.”

There will also be several food choices. The Greene County Chamber and Tourism will be selling grilled food on the east side of the courthouse, while the Jefferson BPO Does will be serving homemade pie and ice cream. The Jefferson VFW, the VFW Auxiliary and the American Legion will have walking tacos and popcorn for a free-will donation that evening as well.

A reminder that the square will be blocked off from parking starting at 1pm on Thursday. Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will also be on-hand broadcasting live from 3:30 to 6:30pm.