The Perry Police Department is once again preparing themselves for a fun annual event, and this year promises to be wetter than previous years.
Tuesday, August 7th is National Police Night Out, and in Perry that means the community will be gathering at Hy-Vee from 5-7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, and a new activity for this year is giving people the opportunity to “Dunk an Officer.” There will be a dunk tank set up, and attendees will get the chance to send officers into the icy water. Additionally, kids can sit in the police cars and learn how everything works. There will also be an appearance by the Hy-Vee KidsFit crew at 6 p.m., where children can learn about proper exercise.
Police Night Out is an opportunity for the public to mingle with their local law enforcement, and organizers believe it’s an ideal way to show kids that officers are people they can trust.