The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The bulk of the meeting was concentrated on payroll concerns and updates to the pay plan policy. The Board’s issues were with salary increase exceptions, for which they wanted to see more defined reasons. They received input from several department heads and discussed the idea of merit-based raises. In the end, the Supervisors approved the amendments as presented. Following that, the Board approved payroll change requests for raises and exceptions for the new fiscal year, minus those based on performance.
At 9:30 a.m., there was a public hearing for the final plat of Panther Creek Estates, plat number three. Following the hearing, the Board approved adjustments to the lines for two existing plots. Next, the Board approved three resolutions for the Secondary Roads Department, including: right-of-way purchases for culvert projects; a pickup truck purchase for $30,661; and a one-year contract extension for County Engineer Al Miller. Other items approved included: designation of Jared Higley as Deputy County Auditor until 2020; a business associate agreement with Iowa Counties Technical Services; assigning $2.7 million of unused funds from fiscal year 2018 to 2019; and the transfer of $785,000 from the General Basic Fund to Internal Service.
The Board also tabled a decision on an amendment to the service contract with Tyler Technologies. Finally, the Supervisors gave the go ahead to the Facilities Department to seek bids for phase one of the Human Services Campus landscape project.