A notice to Jefferson residents that next week will be the citywide spring cleanup.

The City of Jefferson wants to remind its citizens that all materials must be separated by the curbside at 6am on your garbage day.  If materials aren’t separated, they will not be picked up.

There are some restrictions and extra charges for the spring cleanup initiative.  For yard waste, you must place all grass, leaves, clippings and small twigs in a 30-gallon biodegradable paper bag and tie all twigs with twine (not wire) into 2’x2’x4’ bundles.  All other tree limbs are to be stacked neatly for chipping at no extra cost.

City Administrator Mike Palmer stresses the importance of stacking waste materials neatly for garbage pickup.

“Cause it gets kind of dangerous when you’re trying to pull long branches out of a big pile they kind of whip back and hit you; trying to put those into our grinders and things and they’re all over the place.  So you could really help us out that way you’re guaranteed they’ll pick it up the first time.”

A $40 charge will be assessed to all major appliances like refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers and air conditioners.  All other appliances will be an extra $20 each.

Construction debris will have special charges applied.  Lumber must be cut into and not exceeding five-foot lengths and in bundles of no more than 50 pounds each.

Each resident is allowed two hopper loads of refuse and any additional loads will be charged $25 per hopper and will be billed to the property owner.

Call City Hall with any questions at 515-386-3111.

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