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We are just hours away from the primary election.

The Democratic gubernatorial race features five candidates and Raccoon Valley Radio recently conducted an interview with of them. Before tomorrow’s election, Fred Hubbell has been traveling to 36 different locations in the last 14-days to make his final push for why he thinks he’s the best choice for the Democratic nomination for governor. He believes he has the experience of working in both the private and public sectors, along with fighting for public education and water quality, that gives him the edge in the political race. He talks about how he thinks public education spending should be handled.

“We need to give the local school districts more authority to determine how to spend that money that they get per child, rather than have it all dictated on the same basis for every school all across Iowa. The more I travel around I recognize that there’s a lot more differences in our cities and towns across Iowa than there are similarities these days and we cannot treat them all the same.”

Raccoon Valley Radio asked Hubbell, if he’s elected, what he wants to see done with privatization of Medicaid.

“I’m going to bring it right back into state management day one in my administration. We’re going to start paying providers properly. We’re not going back to fee for service. We’re going to do what many of the states have done, which is a different version of Medicaid but not fully privatization like we have now.”

Hubbell is running against Cathy Glasson, Dr. Andy McGuire, John Norris and Ross Wilburn for the Democratic nomination tomorrow. Raccoon Valley Radio will have full primary election results after the polls close tomorrow night.