The Adel mother arrested last November after her two children were found wandering naked near a busy intersection has been sentenced to probation.
According to court documents, 19-year-old Jasmine Teed of Adel had her two-year prison sentence suspended, after she pleaded guilty to one charge of child endangerment, an aggravated misdemeanor. Teed will instead serve two years of probation, which will include 80 hours of community service. She will also pay court costs and fees, and receive mandatory therapy. Additionally, a one year no-contact order has been placed for her children, but she will be allowed visitation if she complies with her probation.
The sentence stems from an incident where Teed’s twin children were discovered running around naked in cold temperatures near the intersection of highways 6 and 169 in Adel. She was found asleep in her nearby apartment by the Adel Police Department. She was originally charged with two counts of child endangerment, but agreed to a plea deal in April that reduced it to one count.