The City of Panora is asking residents to remain cautious over the next few days as their electrical department is currently in the process of transitioning the old substation over to the new transformer.
The transition process is about 90% complete with certain components being changed daily, with the goal to limit interruption of power to local customers. One of the final components of the changeover is scheduled for Tuesday and the City is concerned the additional use of air conditioners on that day due to warm temperatures could overload the systems. With that in mind, the City is asking residents to keep units set at 78 degrees between 11am and 7pm through the end of next week.
The City is also asking residents to limit operating appliances that use significant amounts of electricity during this time, including dishwashers, washers, and dryers. If power is interrupted, the City will not be able to use generators as the substation improvements are being made to equipment that sends power to homeowners. Contact City Hall with any questions.