GCEThroughout the summer, Guthrie County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be conducting dog obedience classes. The first class will be at the Extension Office on May 30th, with no dogs permitted. The remainder of the ten-week program will include the dogs, and those classes will be held at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds every Tuesday and Thursday in June and July. All classes begin at 7pm and the last class will be on July 31st if there are no cancellations.

Dogs must be at least five months old and handlers of all ages will be accepted. The program will teach various commands and other training. This training is required for those 4-H and FFA youth wanting to exhibit during the Guthrie County Fair’s Dog Show. Cost for the class is $15 per dog for youth handlers, and $30 per dog for adult handlers. Contact the Extension Office during normal business hours for more information.