A Guthrie County senior was recently awarded one of two $250 Business and Broadcasting Scholarships from Raccoon Valley Radio. General Manager John McGee presented the award to Jensen Wilke at the Panorama Senior Awards ceremony at Panorama High School Wednesday night.
Wilke, who has enrolled at Iowa State University, plans on majoring in Communications and Spanish. She held a 3.9 Grade Point Average (GPA), was involved in several extra-curricular activities, and has performed over 100 hours of community service. In college she hopes to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country and be involved with theater clubs.
In her recommendation letter, Panorama Instructional Coach Kylie Boettcher referred to Wilke as the “energy of the student council.” School Community Liaison Angie Clouser wrote, “She is always happy, and puts others before her own needs. She provides a wonderful listening ear which was very helpful when working with our elementary students.”
As Student Body President, Wilke represented Panorama on the Let’s Talk Guthrie County program in September of 2017, discussing Homecoming Week festivities. Several other Panorama seniors received awards and honors from various entities. Over $300,000 in recognized scholarships were awarded to Panorama students.
Panorama High School, Senior Awards Night – May 16, 2018, 6 p.m.
Program facilitated by Principal Thad Standley and Guidance Counselor Chris Webner
Department Awards of Excellence
Academic Accomplishment in the Classroom
Grade 12 Term 3 GPA of 3.0 or higher recognized: Chris Allison, Blaine Barber, Kathryn Bassett, Kurtis Burns, Trevor Carey, Joshua Carstens, Bailey Christofferson, Bailey Cmelik, Madison Fear, Gabriel Fell, Carson Fisher, Samantha Flanery, Jesse Gardner, Tanner Godfrey, Gunnar Grunsted, Brianna Hoffman, Dalton Holmes, Brady Howard, Ethan Hupp, Aaron Irving, Daniel Jensen, Elijah Keith, Devyn Kemble, Cameron Laughery, Laren McClatchey, Conner Meinecke, Danny Nordquist, Erik Olsen, Kellie Prince, Martina Rade, Kaleb Randel, Nicole Rolfes, Dakota Schroeder, Britni Stetzel, Bryant Thompson, Morgan Twigg, Alexis Van Winkle, Samuel Webster, Hope Wilderman, Jensen Wilke, Makenna Woodvine
Cumulative Grade 9-12 GPA of 3.0 or higher recognized: (4.0) Samuel Webster, 3.9; Devyn Kemble, Madison Fear, Carson Fisher, Jensen Wilke, Nicole Rolfes, 3.5; Bryan Thompson, Kellie Prince, Brianna Hoffman, Ethan Hupp, Gunnar Grunsted, Blaine Barber, Alexis Van Winkle, Hope Wilderman, Kathryn Bassett, Elijah Keith, Kaleb Randel, Aaron Irving, Destiny Watson, 3.0; Lauren McClatchey, Tanner Godfrey, Cameron Laughery, Morgan Twigg, Conner Meinecke, Bailey Christofferson, Britni Stetzel, Christopher Allison, Mryia Boodry, Kaleb Stogdill, Joshua Carstens, Daniel Nordquist, Taylor Prince, Makenna Woodvine, Hunter Soreide, Bailey Cmelik, Kendra Felder, Olivia Terrell, Erik Olsen, Jade Harwell, Daniel Jensen, Gabriel Fell
Panther Pride Service Award for volunteering Destiny Watson and Jensen Wilke, presented by Angie Clouser
Social Studies Award to 2018, Samuel Webster, presented by Prin. Stanley
Science Award to Carson Fisher, presented by Prin. Stanley
Spanish Award to Jensen Wilke presented by Prin. Stanley
Agriculture “Growth” Award to Trevor Carey, presented by Steve Hameister & Evan Babcock
Art Awards to Alexis VanWinkle, Samantha Flanery, Jade Harwell, Taylor Prince, Lauren McClatchey, Martina Rade, presented by Prin. Stanley
English Award to Madison Fear, presented Prin. Stanley
Drama Award to Alexis VanWinkle, presented by Prin. Stanley
Trudy Straub Speech Scholarship of $2,000 to Jensen Wilke, presented by Mark Cates, vice president and branch manager of Guthrie County State Bank
Math Award to Samuel Webster, presented by Greg Thompson
Talented and Gifted Award to Jensen Wilke, presented by instructor Carla Church
Lifeserve Blood Donor Chords for Sunday commencement, to Destiny Watson, Jesse Gardner, and Kurtis Burns, presented by Carla Church
Instrumental Awards; John Phillips Sousa Award to Bryant Thompson & Louis Armstrong Jazz Award to Kathryn Bassett (as presented prior evening during concert by Director Jim Bauch)
Vocal Awards; National School Choral Award recognition to Alexis VanWinkle by Prin. Stanley (as presented prior evening during concert by Chris Helm)
Special Recognition Awards
Governor’s Scholar – Carson Fisher recognizes and presents plaque (given by Iowa Farm Bureau’s Governor’s Scholar Recognition Program which includes picture with Governor Kim Reynolds)
Kip Janvrin Athlete Award – Devyn Kemble & Daniel Nordquist presented by Athletic Dir. Erin Ambrose
Bernie Saggau Athletic Character Award – Carson Fisher, presented by Athletic Dir. Erin Kirtley
Local Scholarships
Guthrie County Fair Queen $300 Awarded to Makenna Woodvine, cw present & create cert.
Women’s Service Organization, $500 scholarship to Carson Fisher, with Arlone Humphries presenting
Panorama FFA Alumni Scholarship; Bailey Christofferson($400), Madison Fear($300), Kaleb Randel($200), Alexis VanWinkle($150), Nicole Rolfes($150), Chris Allison($150), Kellie Prince($150), presented by Agriculture Teachers Steve Hameister and Evan Babcock ($1,500 total)
PEO Scholarship ($250 each from BY & PH) of $500 to Devyn Kemble, presented by Pres. Karen Hawley
Yale Community Club Scholarships of $500 to Madison Fear, Cameron Laughery, Lauren McClatchey, Alexis Van Winkle, Makenna Woodvine (cw present & create cert)
Flint Hills Resources’ 2018 Discovery Scholarship, $1,500 to Kaleb Randel, presenter Max Cornelison
Guthrie County REC Scholarships of $500 each to Samuel Webster by Bob Batschelet
Women For Panora’s Future Scholarship of $500 to Madison Fear and Jensen Wilke, presented by Ruth Rowedder (has certificates)
Panorama Educators Assoc. $300 Scholarship renewable to $1,300 to Bailey Christoffersen (cw present)
Guthrie County Farm Bureau, $500 scholarship, to Bailey Christofferson, by Andrew Kanaack
Panora, Panora-Linden, Panorama Alumni Awards of $500 Beverly Arganbright Memorial Scholarship to Lauren McClatchey, and Panora/Panora-Linden/Panorama $500 Scholarships to Blaine Barber and Brianna Hoffman
Raccoon Valley”s “Business & Broadcasting Scholarship” of $250 to Jensen Wilke, General Manager John McGee will give check & letter (cw creates certificat).
Panora Lions Club Scholarship of $500 to Jensen Wilke, presented by Lisa Randel (bringing certificate)
“Mr J” Memorial Scholarships of $250 to Blaine Barber, $500 to Madison Fear, & $1,000 to Samuel Webster, presented by Angie Clouse, Cameron Little, Vanessa Phillips, & Chris Webner
Chamber of Commerce; $500 each to Madison Fear & Jensen Wilke
Guthrie County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship of $500 to Trevor Carey and Makenna Woodvine presented by Cale Kastner
Smith Tire Company Scholarship of $500 to Madison Fear
Farmers State Bank Scholarships of $500 along with winning YouTube video applications viewing of Madison Fear, Lexi Van Winkle, presented by Farmers State Bank Vice President Scott Stanley
Hemphill & Assoc. Scholarships of $500 each to Cameron Laughery & Blaine Barber, S. Stanley presents
Yale-Jamaica-Bagley TTT Scholarship of $250 to Mary Lee, presented Luann Waldo
AIB Scholarship to Jensen Wilke and Devyn Kemble, $400 each, presented by Luann Waldo
Guthrie County Youth Foundation Scholarships of $300 to Joshua Carstens, Bailey Cmelik, Cameron Laughery, and Mary Lee, presented by Luann Waldo
Guthrie County Hospital Auxiliary $400 Scholarship to Cameron Laughery
1st Christian Church of $300 to Bryant Thompson, Pastor Freeland presenting
Booster Club Scholarship of $500 to Carson Fisher & $250 to Samuel Webster, Madison Fear, Nicole Rolfes, presented by club President Jim Holwenger using BC’s certificates
Panora State Bank Scholarships of $500 to Alexis VanWinkle and Samuel Webster
Guthrie County Republican Beeber Scholarship of $500 to Devyn Kemble, Carson Fisher, Samuel Webster, presented by Mryna Beeber & Paul Hawkins
Panora-Linden Masonic Scholarships of $500 to Devyn Kemble, Carson Fisher, Madison Fear
Jamaica Lions Club Scholarships of $500 to Conner Meinecke & Tanner Godfrey
Panora Telco Scholarships of $500 to Blaine Barber and Alexis VanWinkle, presented by General Manager Andy Randol
Panorama Foundation Scholarships renewable up to $6,000 ($1,500 x four semesters) to Devyn Kemble, Nicole Rolfes, Britni Stetzel, and Kaleb Stogdill (cw presents PF’s certificates)
[over $31,000]
Mr. William Bump presenting, with Mrs. Maribee Burnham, Trustee of Rachel-Hensal Trust assisting. Every student who applied to one of the scholarships overseen by Bump & Bump Law received a scholarship!
Bar Citizenship Award presented to Jensen T. Wilke
Prairie Woodland Conservation Foundation (PWCF) Scholarship Program awarded $500 to Kellie Prince
Rachel L. Hensel Scholarship Trust Awards:
$750 each to past grads; Victoria Troutman, Michelle Mleynek, Lucas Webner, Masen Wilke, Emily Carstens, Veronica Maere, Cassandra Labath, Jenna Bauch, Hunter Kuta, Kylie South ($7,250)
$1,500 to graduate Blaine Barber, Alexis Van Winkle, Hope Wilderman, Kathryn Bassett, Kaleb Randel ($7,500)
Paul & Eleanor Little Scholarship Foundation Awards:
$2,000 to current seniors; Samuel Webster, Devyn Kemble, Madison Fear, Carson Fisher, Jensen Wilke, Nicole Rolfes ($12,000)
$1,500 to current seniors; Bryant Thompson, Kellie Prince, Brianna Hoffman, Gunnar Grunsted, Tanner Godfrey ($9,000)
$425 to past graduate: Jesse Haworth
Dean R. Betts Scholarship Trust,:
$1,200 to current seniors; Cameron Laughery, Morgan Twigg, Conner Meinecke, Bailey Christofferson, Christopher Allison, Kaleb Stogdill ($7,200)
$750 to past graduates; Zachary Troutman, Kylie Ahrendsen, George Appleseth, Shelby Lane ($2,900)
$425 to past graduates: Adam Hackfort, Jeramiah Randol, Hunter Mobley, Emily Neel, Lucas Gremler, Meredith Olson, Jenna Holwenger, Reid Cobb, Boe Druivenga ($3,825)
Bessie F. Isenhart Scholarship Trust Awards,
$725 each to Grace Nordquist, Madison Fisher, Margaret Smith, Mykenzie Olsen, Aaron Klinge, Shayna Elliott, Brody Stogdill, KC Gafkjen, Savana Mobley, Hannah Appleseth, Emily Houston ($7,975)
Wirt-Mispel Scholarship
$1,000 each to Joshua Carstens, Daniel Nordquist, Makenna Woodvine, Mary Lee, Grace Arganbright, Austin Behrends, Mark Arganbright, Chance Webster, Dalee Rogers, Ethan Laughery ($10,000)
Bruce & Naomi Barks Memorial Scholarship, $5,000 to Bailey Cmelik
Outside the School District Scholarship Programs giving to Panorama Seniors
Alice Conner Memorial Scholarship from Iowa State Bank to Hope Wilderman (return award letter with cw created certificate)
Hagen Foundation, Columbia, MO – $5,000 each sem. for 4 yr of a bachelor deg. or $40K to Madison Fear
[over $40,000]
College Provided Scholarship to Panorama Seniors
Brianna Hoffman, Simpson College Honor Scholarship
Southwest Iowa Community College of Creston, Iowa
Joshua Carstens, $500 Cross Country and Track Teams Award
Cameron Laughery, $600 Dazzler Dance Team Award from
University of Northern Iowa Scholarships given ($32,000)
Hope LyDonna Wilderman, ($1,000 Distinguished Scholar Award, renewable up to 4 yr/$4,000)
Kathryn Bassett ($1,500 Distinguished Scholar Award, renewable up to 4 yr/$6,000)
Samuel David Webster ($1,500 Distinguished Scholar Award, renewable up to 4 yr/$6,000)
Madison Fear ($1,500 Distinguished Scholar Award, renewable up to 4 yr/$6,000 AND Social & Behavioral Sciences Award of $6,000 = $12,000)
Kellie Prince, Central College: Heritage Award (1,000), Central Sustainability Award (500), Presidential Award (20,000), Trustee Scholarship (1,500) = $23,000
Northwest Missouri State University
Alexis Van Winkle (Academic Excellence & Bearcat Advantage), $9,000
Bailey Christofferson, (U Scholar $1,500, Green & White Advantage $3,380), total $4,880
Bryant Thompson (Distinguished Scholar/$4,000 each yr., Bearcat Advantage/$6,759 each yr., Theater/$1,000 each yr = total $11,759 each yr. X 4 yr. .= $47,036
Denyn Kemble, Northwestern College of Orange City, Iowa:, Presidential Scholarship of at least $13,000 each of 4 years ($52,000)
[over $170,000]
313,000 Total Awards Recognized estimate