L to R: Reserve Officers Chris Reha, Bob Sudbrook, Katie Guisinger, Officer Pedro Leyva, Reserve Officer Chad Gilbert, Chief David Reha

During Monday’s Stuart City Council meeting, four Reserve Officers were sworn in to the Stuart Police Department. These officers are essentially volunteers who are called upon when needed, and have received basic training through the department.

Chris Reha, one of the four new officers, tells Raccoon Valley Radio his motives behind joining. “I enjoy giving back to the community. This is actually a third department for me. I’ve served on two different departments and enjoy that aspect of law enforcement.”

Reha’s father was a reserve for the Adair County Sheriff’s Office and his grandfather also had a background in law enforcement. The other three sworn in were Katie Guisinger, Bob Sudbrock, and Chad Gilbert. All four either live in or near the Stuart area. Contact the Stuart Police Department for more information on becoming a Reserve Officer.