tractor2Although the current season still appears to be stuck in winter, spring will be here soon. With that in mind a local legislator is encouraging safety on the roads ahead of planting season.

Iowa District 20 Representative Clel Baudler tells Raccoon Valley Radio that many of the legislators he works with are farmers. He says they will be extra keen on quickly making up for lost time, and encourages motorists to be cautious on the roads. “The farmers will want out in the field. They’re already behind. They’re going to start pulling anhydrous in as quick as possible. When this happens, I urge everybody on the roads to be careful. Just be very careful, because it will affect travel. Leave a few minutes early, and you don’t have to worry about getting behind a farm implement until you can pass safely.”

Baudler says farmers are particularly looking for multiple-day stretches of 60-degree weather or better for ideal planting. They might get a good opportunity this week as the National Weather Service estimates an average high temperature in Guthrie Center of 61 degrees Fahrenheit through Saturday.