national weather service

People interested in learning more about severe weather are invited to take part in the annual storm spotter training coming up in April.

The training is given by the National Weather Service and implemented by county emergency management agencies. In Dallas County, the class will be held on April 4th at 7 p.m. at the Human Services Campus north of Adel. Emergency Management Coordinator Barry Halling says storm spotter training can be informative and beneficial to anyone. “So anybody’s invited to come, if you’re interested or want to know more about severe weather and tornadoes. It’s a good place to get a good view of how things work. And the National Weather Service does a really good job, and they’ve done it that way for years. (It’s) free and anybody’s welcome.”

If you can’t make it to the class in Dallas County on April 4th, there are other opportunities to take part. On April 5th, the same class will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Junction Community Center. Additionally, there are webinars scheduled for April 4th and 18th. To see other storm spotter training locations, click the link below. No registration is required to attend any of the classes. For more information on the Dallas County event, contact Halling at 515-993-2134.