Greene County ExtensionThe Greene County Extension office is offering a special program to help with future finances.

The “Planning for Retirement” program will be held on Wednesday, April 4th from 5 to 6pm at the Extension office. Families Coordinator Sue Richardson says Iowa Senior Planning Specialist Evan Jackson will offer tips and strategies to help meet your retirement needs, as well as securing your estate so that your assets are dispersed how you want them to be. Richardson points out that the program is for all ages.

“Evan will start off by going over some tips for people who are maybe just starting to think about retirement.  But he will go into further detail about those that are maybe getting closer to retirement, especially when it comes to estate planning toward the end of his talk.”

The cost is $15 per person or $25 for a couple. Call 386-2138 or stop by the Extension office to register.