Keep Iowa Beautiful.Vogel PaintTwo Greene County communities recently received grants through the Paint Iowa Beautiful program.

The program provides free paint to a variety of community projects. It is sponsored by Keep Iowa Beautiful and Diamond Vogel Paint. The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department was awarded six gallons of paint for two restrooms at Russell Park, as well as the concession stand and two restrooms at the softball field. JPRD Director Vicky Lautner is requesting volunteers to help with the projects.

“Jefferson Parks and Recreation, we’re excited to have this opportunity to work on a couple of these projects that have needed attention for quite some time. We’d like to have some local volunteers help paint on this beautification project to help us make these projects a little bit better.”

The City of Grand Junction also received a grant for seven gallons of paint to be used on the exterior of a concrete building that will be used as a storage shed for the community center. Grand Junction Community Center committee member Diane Wise says they are planning on renovating the entire building and will also receive any discounted paint from Diamond Vogel beyond what they will receive to complete that portion of the project.

In the 15 year partnership with KIB, Diamond Vogel has awarded over 9,648 gallons of paint for 786 community projects in Iowa.