The Adair County Sheriff’s Office has released the names of two individuals arrested in a recent Stuart traffic stop.
Early Sunday morning, March 11th, Stuart Police stopped a vehicle driven by 28-year-old Natasha Lee Cain of Marshalltown. Approximately ten ounces of marijuana were removed from the vehicle at the 1100 block of South Division Street. Cain admitted to Stuart Police Chief David Reha that she purchased the drugs in Lincoln, Nebraska and was transporting them back to Marshalltown. She was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, a Class D Felony, and child endangerment, an Aggravated Misdemeanor. Two of the three juvenile passengers were Cain’s children, while the other claimed to be Cain’s niece. They were all transferred to the care of family members.
Stuart Police also arrested an adult passenger, 34-year-old Robert John Etzen of Pleasant Hill. Etzen was taken into custody for prescription drug charges. He also had warrants out for his arrest in Polk and Story counties. Since the booking, Cain has fulfilled a $7,000 cash or surety bond, while Etzen is still being held at the Adair County Jail on a $1,000 cash or surety bond.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.