The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.
One of the first items on the agenda is a public hearing to discuss vacating a property known as 22nd Street. Following the public hearing, the Council will consider a resolution approving the vacation. In old business, the Council will consider a change order and pay request for the sanitary sewer improvement project. They will also discuss approval of the final plat for the Perry Industrial Park, Plat 3, as well as the final acceptance and certificate of completion for the sally port project.
In new business, the Council will consider a resolution for bid letting on the proposed Wiese Park trail improvements, and setting a public hearing to discuss awarding the project to a contractor. Finally, they will discuss reappointing Bruce Klein to the Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments. The meeting is open to the public and will be held Monday at 6 p.m. in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.