GCC-WinterThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

The Board held a public hearing on the County’s 2018-2019 fiscal year budget. County Auditor Marci McClellan pointed out that there are minor changes between the previous fiscal year and the proposed budget. Capital projects from the Engineering Department are down and levy rates did not change. However, there was an increase in workers compensation as the premium cost increased. McClellan also noted the budget includes funds for a future full time Human Resources staff member. The Board approved the budget as presented as there were no objections by the public. They also approved the certification of taxes.

Emergency Management Agency Coordinator Bob Kempf also discussed a $15,000 grant for Geographical Information System (GIS) technology. The county has already received the grant, and Kempf would like to consider the possibility of using the funds towards an internship program. The Board also discussed moving forward with appointing Dr. Josh Strehle as the next County Medical Examiner. They will have to extend the current examiners, Dr. David Ahrens and Dr. Steven Bascom, until Strehle can assume the position.