Adair Fire and Rescue is looking for funds to construct a new station house. An annual fundraiser will certainly aid their progress. The department will host the annual Farm Toy Show at the Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center Junior High gymnasium Saturday.
Doors open at 9am and the show will run until 3pm. The show includes more than 70 tables featuring: farm toys, trucks, banks, cards, and other farm memorabilia. Admission is $2 and children under 12 are free with an adult present. There will also be concessions available.
Event spokesperson Roger Richter talks about the show’s popularity. “We get a lot of good support, a lot of good comments about our show. We even do have a little bit of a waiting list of people wanting to get in. Kind of limited to how many people we can put in there. The vendors make the show.”
Richter says they normally get vendors from at least five surrounding states. To hear more about the event, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.