The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.
City Administrator Sven Peterson got the night rolling with reports on the soccer complex pre-construction meeting, the Willis Avenue bridge project, and the 16th Street sewer project. He also talked about his time in Alabama last week for the Retail Academy, which he found beneficial and informative. Following Peterson’s report, representatives from Eat Greater Des Moines gave a presentation on the Hunger Free Dallas County program.
Next, the Council held two public hearings, the first on the fiscal year 2019 budget, and the second on the disposal of unclaimed confiscated property. No one from the public spoke during the hearings, so the Council approved resolutions for both. In new business, the Council approved a control maintenance proposal between the City and Control Solutions for the McCreary Center. Peterson says the maintenance is more on the automated side of the center, including the heating and lights.
Other approved items included: pay requests for the sewer cleaning and sally port projects, as well as a change order for the sally port; the appointment of Bob Wilson to the City’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; and setting a public hearing to vacate property on 22nd Street. Finally, the Council set the schedule for the 2018 yard waste disposal, which will run from April 4th through December 5th.
To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to tomorrow’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at