Panorama-Panthers-Picture112Panorama Elementary School is doing what they can to foster healthy reading habits for the earliest readers. With that in mind, they are hosting a Dr. Seuss Literacy Night this Thursday, starting at 5:30pm. The night will begin with a dinner of scrambled eggs and ham, served until 6. After dinner there will be three break-out sessions for participants to choose from. The night ends with drawings at 7.

Panorama Superintendent Shawn Holloway sees this as an opportunity for the public to get a chance to see what’s going on at the elementary. “I think the nice thing is it gives families the chance to come into the building. I think in a secondary setting, people are coming into a ballgame and they’re seeing the building that way. For an elementary, it’s a little more challenging to have events where a lot of people are in attendance. Obviously literacy is primary goal for us so what a great way to invite the public in.”

Daycare options will also be available to serve more families. Contact the elementary for more information or to RSVP.