WCV (1)The West Central Valley School Board met in regular session Wednesday.

Personnel changes and possible facility upgrades at Dexter Elementary were the focus of discussion during the meeting. Superintendent Dr. David Arnold suggested current middle school math teacher and varsity girls basketball coach, Drew Stonewall, as his replacement at Dexter Elementary. The Board approved moving forward with the transitional process to make Stonewall the next Co-Elementary Principal at West Central Valley, with a home base in Dexter.

The Board also discussed extending the parking lot in Dexter. Board President Harry Light, along with Arnold, are concerned that the current lot is not sufficient for the additional staff. While the Board has received no bids at this time, an estimate of $35,000 was discussed to extend the lot into the south greenspace. Board Member Jenyse Belden felt the parking lot at the high school’s athletic complex should be completed first, before addressing the lot in Dexter. No formal action on this topic was taken at this time.

During the public forum session, a Stuart Elementary parent voiced concern regarding the second grade’s teacher/student ratio. Currently there is only one teacher for approximately 25 children. The request was for the Board to consider a policy change to require a limit on number of students per teacher, specifically at the grade level. The Board also discussed a possible change to spring break on the 2018-2019 calendar. While they approved the calendar without changes, the Board can still make changes at any time and will revisit the calendar once Lance Ridgely begins his tenure as Superintendent in July.

Other approved action items include: the annual audit, current Activities Director David Doely as a head coach for boys golf, and a date change for the high school’s spring music concert.