dallas co conservation

A reminder: today at the Bear Creek Nature Center in the Kuehn Conservation Area, Dallas County Conservation is hosting an organizational meeting for people interested in being a member of the new Friends of Prairie Awakening group.

Forest Park Museum Curator Pete Malmberg says Prairie Awakening has been around for two decades, and as it’s evolved over the years it’s become clear it could use some help in finding a direction. The Friends group will help provide that direction by handling vital functions for the yearly event, including planning, promotion, funding, and volunteer coordination. Prairie Awakening is held each fall, as a way to bring the Native people of Dallas County back to the landscape to help interpret it. It’s become a very popular event, but Malmberg says the time is right to get some fresh ideas.

The meeting will be held today from 3-5 p.m. Registration is requested and can be done by calling Dallas County Conservation at 515-465-3577.