Theft: Lari-Jo Henry of Adel, reported a theft in the 2300 block of Greene St. Estimated value was $40.00.
Theft: Terry Duran of Adel, reported identity theft in the 2300 block of Greene St. Estimated value was $60.00.
Arrest: Rex Lee Burns, age 62, 711 Cottage St., Adel, was arrested for Public Intoxication.
Theft: Michael Sehman of Dallas Center, Iowa reported a theft from a vehicle in the 400 block of S. 6th St. Estimated value was $100.00.
Theft: Terri Clark of Adel, reported a theft in the 1700 block of S. 11th St. Value estimated between $1.00 to $200.00.
Theft: Ryan Philpott of Adel reported identity theft in the River Vista Trailer Park. Nothing taken.
*All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.