DSCN7998Road conditions are improving in Greene County, after some overnight freezing precipitation and about one-inch of snowfall early Tuesday morning.

Jefferson Public Works Director Dave Morlan says all of the city streets have been plowed once and have had salt and sand material applied. He notes that there are a couple plows going this afternoon to remove remaining ice on the traveled portions of the roads. He reminds residents that the city snow ordinance is no longer in effect for residential streets, but it will be in effect for the downtown square from 2 to 6am Wednesday morning to remove all remaining snow.

As far as all Greene County roads, Greene County Secondary Road Foreman Tanner Stauffer says crews have been out since 5am treating all paved roads with salt and sand. The gravel roads don’t get the same sand and salt mixture, but they do get hit with maintainers and all snow drifts have been removed from the roads. Crews are continuing to remove slush from the roadways where sand and salt have melted the early morning ice-covered roads.

The Greene County Sheriff’s office reports that there weren’t any winter-related traffic incidents from the morning.

The Iowa Department of Transportation is reporting seasonal driving conditions on all state highways in the county.

Update to our 8:23am post.