The Stuart Public Library recently released its Community Report for the 2017 fiscal year. The statistics cover July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017.

The library recorded just over 31,000 total visits, and in that time added 135 new patrons. Over 11,000 materials were checked out and 2,316 e-books and e-audiobooks were downloaded. The library hosted 112 programs, for a total attendance of just under 2,000. Computer usage also saw a dramatic spike, up 41% from the previous report, with a total of 4,802 uses. The library also calculated 31,390 personal Wi-Fi hits, which is over 70% of all hits recorded at Guthrie County libraries.

The library utilized the help of 73 volunteers, who contributed 748 hours of service. As of June 30th, the library had 2,809 library card holders.