IMG_1983The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular budgeting session Thursday. David Garland of Guthrie Center Communications will begin the meeting with a monthly Information Technology update.

Then County Engineer Josh Sebern will address the Board on three upcoming bridge replacement projects . He will also discuss the Hungry Canyons Alliance agreements, which are projects aimed at curbing erosion affecting the county’s infrastructure, and give a regular update on the secondary roads department.

Transfer Station Executive Director Jotham Arber will then discuss a telehandler purchase and skid loader lease. Arber brought forward some options on the new equipment, but he and the Board are waiting for a final set of quotes before moving forward with the plans. The Board will also review county property projects and formerly approve the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) annual premium claim.

The meeting begins at 9am in the Supervisors room in the Guthrie County Courthouse.