The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session for the final time under outgoing Mayor Jay Pattee.
Before the meeting began, there was a retirement celebration for Pattee that was attended by people from around the community. He then got the meeting started with a recap of his 15 years in public service, including many of the City’s accomplishments from that time. Incoming Mayor John Andorf then thanked Pattee for all he’s given to the City. During open forum, Andorf, returning Council member Dr. Randy McCaulley, and incoming Council member Vicki Klein were each sworn in, though they won’t officially take office until January 1st.
Also during open forum, representatives from the Perry Historical Society presented a certificate from the National Preservation Program, and Robert Greenway, who was a central figure in the countywide local option sales tax measure, formally thanked the City of Perry for taking the lead on the issue. Open forum was followed by a public hearing regarding the continuation of the City’s guarantee agreement with the Nudgers group. Nudgers member Matt McDevitt was able to answer several questions from the Council and public regarding the group. When the hearing was over, the Council approved the guarantee agreement.
The Council then approved several more action items, including: a change order and pay request for the sally port project; the donation of wind turbines; tax abatement applications for construction completed in 2017; an updated return to work policy; a training grant application; and Council appointments for the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alliance. To learn more about the City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at