Panorama-Panthers-Picture112The 2016-2017 school year resulted in an Unspent Authorized Budget increase of just over $60,000 for the Panorama School District. The District may be using some of those funds to implement a new security system. This system would be in addition to a new procedure for all visitors to each of the school buildings.

After a recent consultation with a security firm, the school has now locked the doors right outside the District Office on the southeast side of the campus. All visitors are now required to enter through the high school entrance, and obtain a name tag from the staff at the front desk, before entering the building. Superintendent Shawn Holloway explains the reason behind the change. “We have a lot of exterior doors and really what we’re trying to do is just funnel people through one central point. We know that on our secondary school side, there’s always someone sitting at the desk there. On the central office side of our building, there are just times where there isn’t someone there.”

Holloway also mentioned that the change is not related to a particular incident or event. The proposed security system would include an electronic key fob with a “buzz-in” feature and a security camera. This would also allow office staff to communicate with visitors from the outside. There is currently no timetable for, or decision on, the system’s implementation.