Greene County ExtensionGreene County ISU Extension is offering the final pesticide applicator trainings for the year.

A commercial pesticide training will be held Wednesday for “Pesticide Control Operators.” The training starts at 9am and costs $60 per person at the Extension office in Jefferson. Mannel points out that they are offering an opportunity for anyone who may have missed a previous commercial pesticide training class.

“We are having some re-shows, if you call, and you missed some of the previous programs. We are allowing that through December 22nd. So we really need you to get in before the holidays to get that scheduled.”

Greene County’s only private pesticide training will be held on Thursday, December 14th from 1:30 to 3:30pm at Clover Hall on the fairgrounds in Jefferson. The course is for those individuals that apply restricted-use pesticide on property they own or rent. Registration begins at 12:30pm and it is recommended that all participants be at Clover Hall by 1:15pm, because no one will be admitted after 1:30. Cost for the class is $20 per person.

Call the Extension office at 386-2138 or stop in to register for either class.