Santa and Mrs. Claus have a busy schedule today and tomorrow in Greene County.

The duo can be seen at the Greene County Community Center from 8 to 11am. Kids and parents can have “Breakfast with Santa,” with a free buffet for kids, sponsored by Jefferson Hy-Vee. Meythaler Photography will take pictures of the youngsters with Santa and there will also be a cookie decorating station. Then Santa and Mrs. Claus will travel over to the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Education and Welcome Center from 11:15am to 1:30pm.

The iconic holiday couple will finish up their tour of Greene County today when they arrive on a Scranton fire truck at the Scranton City Hall and Community Center. Parents can take pictures of their kids with Santa and Mrs. Claus at 6pm. Plus, each child that participates will receive at least one free gift.

Finally on Sunday, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be at the Grand Junction Community Center from 5 to 6:30pm for more opportunities for parents to get photos of their children with Santa.