soccer field

The ongoing saga surrounding the Perry soccer complex added another wrinkle recently.

At the recent Perry City Council meeting, Matt Farrier from Bolton and Menk gave an update on the project’s progress. He says they gave an ultimatum to Spring Lake Construction to have all the punch list items fully completed by November 10th, otherwise the City would move on from the contractor. Spring Lake and the company they hired to finish the project, J&M Lawn and Landscaping, failed to meet the ultimatum, so their contract was terminated effective November 13th. This brings an end to a rocky relationship between the City and the contractor, for a project that was supposed to be completed in the fall of 2016.

Farrier said the next course of action is to work directly through the bonding agents to hire a new contractor that will finish the seeding of the final two soccer fields at the complex. He’s hopeful whatever contractor comes in will be able to finish seeding this fall, to give the fields a chance for early germination this spring. If that happens, all fields could be ready for some light play by next summer.