The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, the Board discussed a presentation made by Assistant Greene County Attorney Thomas Lahne at last week’s department head meeting. Lahne presented information on a law change that allows a governmental employee’s records to become public when an employee has either been terminated or demoted. Also during open forum, Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams introduced his newest Deputy Brandon Turner, who starts this Wednesday.
The Board then had a discussion with representatives from Greene County Development Corporation (GCDC) about tax increment financing (TIF) projects. GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton requested $130,000 from the County to invest in the JCorp project near the water tower in Jefferson. Paxton said they are asking for $170,000 from the City of Jefferson to make up the “financial gap” to build initial 16-apartment units. Board Chair John Muir said the Board felt comfortable going forward with their investment, but wanted to see if it could be accomplished other than establishing a TIF zone with the wind turbines.
The Board then approved purchasing a vacant property in Paton next to the Greene County Secondary Roads facility for $6,000, and the County Treasurer’s investment report of $7,885,652 for October and issuing 228 driver’s licenses last month.
Finally, the Board heard an annual report from Elderbridge Agency and Aging, and a 2019 fiscal year funding request of $7,256. The Board took no action on the request.