Greene County School Board 10_18The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

Following a public hearing, the Board approved to sell the softball field in Grand Junction to the City of Grand Junction for $1. The Board also approved the termination of an employee following a closed session on the topic.

Other items the Board approved included changing a board policy on literacy to mandate summer reading as a retention measure for students that are not proficient in their grade level for reading, soliciting proposals for asbestos removal in the Grand Junction building, renewing the application for a physical education waiver with the Iowa Department of Education, four early graduation requests, sharing an English language learner teacher with Prairie Valley/Southeast Webster-Grand School District, appointing Dr. Steve Karber to replace Dr. David Ohrt on the basic diploma committee, four fundraising requests and two out of state field trip requests for FFA students to go to the national convention in Indianapolis and the high school hospitality class to go to Fraser, Colorado. Additionally, the Board set Monday November 20th as the regular school board meeting date, due to the third Wednesday falling on the timeline of the Iowa Association of School Boards convention; and setting November 29th to meet as a full board with Paton-Churdan School Board. The Board also approved the decision to discuss with debt collection services to handle negative lunch balances.

Following a lengthy discussion, the Board approved to solicit proposals from ten architect firms to design a regional academy, new high school and repurpose the existing high school for a future bond referendum. Additionally, the Board approved changing the leave policy for staff and faculty to five days of family sick leave allowed for spouses and one day for grandparents for a birth or adoption of a child and renewing the agreement with the City of Rippey to continue to use the baseball field for middle school games.