Perry Public Works Director Jack Butler
Perry Public Works Director Jack Butler

No one wants to hear it, but winter will be here before you know it.

The Perry Public Works Department knows this better than most, so they’ve been spending a lot of time getting themselves ready for winter weather. Public Works Director Jack Butler says they recently got around 200 tons of salt delivered, which will be used by several local city and county entities to deal with icy roads. They’re also excited to roll out their two new snow plow trucks, which were recently purchased with the help of local option sales tax funds.

Butler says the department has also devoted time to making sure their older machinery is in good, working order. “We’re just running through equipment, making sure everything’s good to go. You know, lights work, plows are working like they’re supposed to, sanders are working. Just kind of go through that equipment and make sure. Because once it starts, that’s the last thing you want to do is be out at 2:00 in the morning when it’s cold, trying to get something working.”

Butler adds, public works has been wrapping up pothole and concrete work while the weather is still mild, as well as cleaning leaves that have fallen on the streets. He’s hopeful the autumn weather lasts a long time so they have plenty of time to get everything done before winter.