The Perry City Council met Monday evening in regular session.
In the City Administrator’s report, Sven Peterson updated the council on the sewer improvement and sally port projects, both of which could be done in early November. Josh Shields from Bolton and Menk then gave the latest on the soccer complex project, saying the fields that have been planted have looked very good. If the new contractor gets cooperation from the weather, the unfinished fields could still be planted before the first frost.
During open forum, Jenny Eklund from Art on the Prairie asked for permission to put banners for the event on light poles around the City. She also said they plan to unveil the next sculpture in the Streetscape project on November 11th, and she’ll make a formal request to have the intersection of 3rd Street and Willis Avenue closed for the event. Peterson then gave a presentation about why Perry needs the local option sales and services tax, which will be voted on in the November city election. He will give additional presentations at four other events, including the October 30th Spook-tacular event.
During old business, the Council approved the reappointment of Ashley Platt to the Planning and Zoning Commission, for a term expiring in 2021. In new business, they approved the donations of real property from two different individuals, which will be used for future development. To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at