Helmet sticker. Photo courtesy of Bob Allen
Helmet sticker. Photo courtesy of Bob Allen

The Greene County Youth Athletic Association’s (GCYAA) football teams are wrapping up their fall seasons on Sunday.

Football Coordinator Bob Allen says both of the third and fourth grade flag football teams are playing each other on Linduska Field at noon Sunday. As for the fifth and sixth grade tackle football team will be competing in the West Central Iowa Youth Football Championship game at 2pm also on Linduska Field in Jefferson. Greene County Black will be taking on East Sac. Both teams are 5-0 and Greene County has outscored their opponents this season 199 to 24. Allen says he’s proud of the team’s success this season.

“We started this whole process on July 31st. To get to this point, just so excited for the boys and all the coaches involved for how hard that they’ve worked.”

Coaches shirt. Photo courtesy of Bob Allen
Coaches shirt. Photo courtesy of Bob Allen

Allen says the football players also dedicated their season to a couple of local members of the 132nd Fighter Wing that were recently deployed to Puerto Rico to help with the hurricane recovery efforts. Those individuals are Joe Yoder and youth football coach Shawn Scheuermann. Allen explains why the team wanted to make such a gesture.

“We’ve got future leaders in our communities. It’s a really good opportunity for us to teach the kids that we’re so fortunate for all the freedoms that we have in the world, and we need to remember to honor those that allow us to have those types of freedoms.”

The team purchased custom stickers to wear on their helmets and a patch was attached to the coach’s shirts, which were created at ShineOn Designs.

There’s no admission charge for either game, but concessions will be available for purchase with proceeds to benefit GCYAA.