This week, cooks and students across the country are taking a closer look at their lunches. This week is National School Lunch Week. The AC/GC School District serves over 600 lunches to students every day.
According to the School Nutrition Association, school lunches must offer a precise proportion of the various food groups. On a daily basis, students should consume whole grains, lean protein, three quarters of a cup of vegetables, and half a cup of fruit. There are also limits on calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats.
A third grade student at Adair-Casey Elementary received recognition with a blue ribbon at the Iowa State Fair for his efforts in creating a healthy school lunch. Morgun Nolte’s lunch included: peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, carrot sticks, an apple, chocolate pudding, and chocolate milk. Nolte says it’s easy to make, easy to eat, and isn’t messy.
The National School Lunch Program has been serving American school children for over 60 years.