2016 ABC Award recipient Gary Von Ahsen
2016 ABC Award recipient Gary Von Ahsen

The 2017 Greene County Chamber and Tourism Annual Dinner is scheduled for next month, which means nominations are now being accepted for the Above and Beyond the Call (ABC) Award.

The ABC Award is given to someone who through their personal involvement, leadership qualities, and unselfish giving of their time and talent has positively affected activities or accomplishments that have been beneficial to the community at large. Candidates should be involved in a wide variety of activities for community betterment and those activities should not be an extension of the candidate’s business interests; the nominee should exhibit leadership qualities, initiating and completing community projects and the nominee should possess characteristics that produce harmony and goodwill in promoting worthy projects.

Nomination forms are available at the Chamber office or by emailing a request to chamber@greenecountyiowa.com. Nominations must be submitted by November 1st.