Stuart’s Cottage Pantry reports that in the month of February 125 volunteer hours were spent in helping serve 90 families totaling 265 people that included 7 home deliveries.

For those who want to donate items, Cottage Pantry Director Marlis Beeler says they need sugar and flour in 5 or 25 lb bags, quart size zip freezer bags, jam and jelly, bar soap, dish soap, laundry soap, 15 oz or smaller shampoo and paper products that would include toilet tissue, paper towels and Kleenex.  These items are not available at the Iowa Food Bank and can usually be found at Dollar General and Dollar Tree for around $1 each Beeler added.

The Cottage Pantry serves individuals residing in Dexter, Menlo, Redfield and Stuart every Wednesday from 2 to 5 P.M.  They are also open for business on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 9 to 11 A.M.  Due to recent winter storms, Beeler would like to make the public aware that if schools are closed due to inclement weather on Wednesdays, the pantry will also be closed.

For more information, please contact Marlis Beeler at 515-523-1301 or Vi Jones at 515-523-1350.

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