Supervisor Vice-Chair Dawn Rudolph (left) with Retiring Secondary Roads employee George Erickson (right)
Supervisor Vice-Chair Dawn Rudolph (left) with Retiring Secondary Roads employee George Erickson (right)

The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved the County Treasurer’s investment report of $4,664,509 for August, as well as issuing 344 driver’s licenses last month. The Board also approved a $3,000 grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau for the Sheriff’s office and a retirement resolution for Greene County Secondary Roads employee George Erickson for 41 years of service to the county.DSCN7052

Finally, following a discussion about a request for the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower to have purple lights on during October’s Domestic Abuse Violence Awareness Month, the Board decided against the request. Based on a previous conversation, the Board felt that if they allowed one organization to shine a different light on the bell tower, then they would have to let any organization do that, which they felt wouldn’t be fair to all requests.