Perry City Council 8-21

City Administrator Sven Peterson has been working in concert with the businesses of Perry to extend a “hello” to new residents.

At the most recent Perry City Council meeting, Peterson talked about the “Welcome to Perry Packages” that are ready to be distributed to new residents. He explained, “This is kind of a group effort between the Chamber of Commerce, Perry Economic Development, and the City. We’ve all been kind of working on getting people to donate or pledge things to put into a welcome package to give people that buy the new homes that are built with the new tax abatement program. So far we have around 20 businesses putting in anything from gift certificates to coupons or actual merchandise. So it’s really exciting to see the community come together like this and put forth some sort of contribution.”

In addition to helping the City welcome people, Peterson says it’s also a good way for businesses to advertise themselves to new residents. If anyone is interested in participating, they are encouraged to reach out to Peterson at City Hall, or to Matt McDevitt at Raccoon Valley Bank. To hear more, listen to Tuesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at